Relapsed Adult Location Services

Relapsed Adult Location Services are designed to serve the needs of family members and friends attempting to locate a loved one in substance use-related crisis.


Driven by shame, disappointment in one’s self, and the pain of perceived failure, isolation during a relapse episode is a common occurrence. We offer a unique ability to not just locate the missing individual, but also deploy a “mobile rehab” of sorts, meeting the individual right where he or she is, whether it be a hotel, apartment, or on the street, and providing a compassionate intervention and on-the-scene counsel.

Our goal is to work closely with isolated individuals where ever we may locate them, and transport them to healthier, safer situations at The Hauz Sober Living where they are able to resume their recovery journeys. We are also able to provide transportation directly to a residential primary care addiction treatment facility, if desired.

For more details on our Relapsed Adult Location Services, please call (415) 632-9003.